Tag Archives: Low-Cost

5 restaurant menu design ideas that can work for funeral home GPLs

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There is no way I am trying to say your funeral home’s general price list (GPL) should be thought of as casually as a restaurant menu. I promise. But, I found an article this weekend explaining how graphic designers use color and placement to move diners to more profitable entrees and couldn’t help but see   …Continue Reading

5 things you can do with your tv commercials during the election

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adfinity is a full-service ad agency, so we purchase radio and television advertising for funeral homes (and other companies) nationwide. And during an election year – especially the three months leading up to November – it is pretty tough to get a spot on popular cable channels, let alone network, that doesn’t cost a fortune.   …Continue Reading

Even funeral home owners can write newspaper columns

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Did you ever want to be a novelist? Cartoonist? Reporter? When I was younger, I wanted to be a writer for Rolling Stone magazine. I could see myself traveling around the world, getting to intimately know the rock stars I wrote about. The only thing writing for Rolling Stone and working for a funeral home   …Continue Reading